Matthews Family Herald

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" from Joshua 24:15

Hi, we recently had the opportunity to go to the Heidelberg Zoo. (Thank you very much Heise Family!)

You can click on any of these images in order to enlarge them and enhance your view of them.

Lots of turtles were there! They were not as active as the ones our family viewed in Tucson, though...

There was a whole barn full of these, as well as those outside. This mother and child were cute. It looked like the two donkeys behind her might have been teenage sons or males who were interested in her. She kept kicking at them if they got too close!

Another shot of the donkeys as they came around us. .

This donkey looked like he might have been sick. He was moaning and breathing heavily.

Rabbits and hampsters, etc. You can't tell from looking at the picture, really, but the critters lived in a town constructed to look like a human town. These guys eat pretty well, huh!

When we first entered the zoo, there was a large playground filled with many things to do. Among those things to do were many wooden carvings of animals which were life sized. You'll find several pictures of here of the kids playing on them. In this image, Micah is standing behind a Hippo's rear end and flung his shirt back just as I snapped the shot. It made for quite a gas!

This is not a self portrait! I can't believe you'd say that. It's not Sally either. But it is one of the many camels that were at the zoo.

Here is wise grandfather. He sat above our head levels and looked down with an aire of wisdom and judgment. Perception often is NOT reality. Micah and the boys say that one of the apes, probably this one, earlier had "gone # 2" and then ate it. We've seen them do some strange things at other zoos also. One time we saw a mama ape nursing herself. That was odd but yeah, okay...

Just about all the kids wanted me to take a shot of them getting "eaten" by this hippo.

Here's Jacob at the playground.

Poor Hannah's turn to be eaten alive.
The best petting zoo area I've ever seen. There was a little machine just outside the gate that dispensed feed; a handful for 1 Euro. Lots of fun watching the kids and helping them. Eden was too scared unless I held her above head level to the goats. There's Nathan feeding them.
Heather is helping Eden feed the goats and you can see Hannah and Nathan here feeding them too. One of the goats almost got out. I had to catch him and steer him back inside the fence. Also inside were shaggy haired sheep and an occasional chicken. The chickens must eascape rather easily because I saw one here and there wandering throughout the zoo.
Here's Nathan on the ropes.
(I could not get these two photos to act properly! Nathan sitting on this sleeping (wooden) camel. He just won't wake up! You know, my Grandfather and Dad would always tell me about how they once rode dinosaurs. Bet they never rode a fake camel!
Hippo girl amazes the crowd with her feats! How did she get the hippo to hold still that long, anyway?! Mind control! There's a joystick between the Hippos eyes that Hannah is using to control it. Works on me!

Jacob couldn't resist being eaten alive when it was his turn.

I guess I couldn't resist some things either. Tried sneaking this kiss in when Heather was looking elsewhere. Reminds me of a family favorite movie..."I dooo"

Micah was having his share of fun on the ropes.

Ah, no words are needed to convey how sweet and wonderful this photo is. That's why I didn't bother writing anything at all for this photograph. There just wasn't any need to. And so, since I've not bothered writing anything here, let's go ahead and move on to the next photographic representation. Wait, there isn't any more. Ah, man. Is it time to leave the zoo already?


These pics are so great!! The boys look as silly as ever haha. Hannah's so pretty, growing more into a young lady every day huh? The little ones are so sweet and cute, they're getting so big! Dad, we got a good laugh out of your gorilla pic. :) looks like you all had a great time! :)Can't wait to hear more.

Haha, what a great edition to this post! Still laughing at your jokes (the turtles and monkey) and awww-ing over the kids. I'm so glad you guys got to go. :)

Also, I agree about that last picture, I actually have it as my desktop background. :) Do you guys have any more pictures of the kids opening the package we sent?

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