Matthews Family Herald

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" from Joshua 24:15

Well, it's just a few hours until our home fellowship/home school several family wide gathering takes place. Down in the kitchen, as I entered and began to get things ready to brew some coffee, I discovered some of the great things my wife and children have already prepared. (The boys and I peeled potatoes for Mama last night with our new pocket knives. We pretended we were captives on a ship, peeling potatoes down in the brig kitchen. The mashed potatoes aren't ready, so no picture yet of that for you.)

The cherry pie here was made mostly by Hannah, with a little help from Eden. Mama provided some guidance but Hannah did all of it as a part of her Keepers at Home pie award. Mama was particularly impressed by the way Hannah "fluted" the edges of the pie there. Mama said she's never been able to do that part so well.

Next is the photo of Mama's famous hot rolls. When I say "Mama" I'm talking, of course, about several generations all at once now. Heather's Mama made these all the time. Heather makes them each year, and I'm sure sweet Rachel makes them now too. The recipe has been in use for I don't know how long prior to Heather's Mama using it, so it's quite a tradition. I do know that Heather's Mama got the recipe from Heather's Father's Mother.

Now, you'll see there are two rolls missing. That's what we call "Chef's pay" around here. It's customary that any food prepared is sampled by the preparer. I find it very endearing when that customary bite appears on a sandwich that my wife has packed in my lunch for me, for example. It's very special and we'll always do it.

Finally, a Thanksgiving themed project the kids did with Heather. I got to print out the pages to color and they did the rest of it (the top photograph of the place mats). Pretty neat, huh?

UPDATE from after the fact:

Also, here is a poem that Hannah wrote for the children's poetry contest which was held at the fellowship Thanksgiving meal. Here's what she wrote, with a little help from Mother:

T is for tiny baby sister this year
H is for happy home in Germany here
A is for Abigale and Alaina, my friends
N is for never wanting Thanksgiving to end
K is for kitchen that smells of spice
S is Squanto to the pilgrims was nice

Jacob wrote one too and here it is:

It's Thanksgiving now, and that's a living
We run downstairs to eat a feast
And I scarf it down like a beast.
My Mother says "Eat with a fork."
I say "okay" and I grab the pork.
There's so many desserts of every kind.
and sugar, it will blow my mind.
I get in bed and say a prayer,
and I remember how the Indians shared.
My Mom turns out the light
And says good night.

And so, ending here with this prayer. Thank God, thank you God, for calling us to leave our life, our family, our Country, our People, and to be transformed into the image of you Son, to be a part of your People and Your Nation. Those Pilgrims were willing to lose and leave all to follow You, may we always do the same.


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