Matthews Family Herald

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" from Joshua 24:15

Wow, powerful and informative 40 minute video about parental rights in the US and worldwide and from

It's war and we need to be in the fight, I suggest, by continuing in prayer, by signing this petition and supporting this legislation, by speaking, by acting, and by saying No and not backing down. By doing whatever it takes to raise our kids as God leads us, no matter what.

*Update. I tell you what. If you don't think Parental Rights are being usurped, etc., or even if you are just wanted to stay informed, I am thinking about posting a link to each and every online news event depicts parent rights infringement for you here, for us, here.

I'll keep 'em coming as I see them. Send me a link if you come across one and I'll plan to post it here.


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