Matthews Family Herald

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" from Joshua 24:15

Just wanted to share what I learned about mustard , first hand(or right forearm). Last night I was frying some fries and onion rings in a deep fryer when the clasp on the tongs I was using slid down and then sprang open while in the boiling grease, dousing about %50 of my forearm. After running it in cold water for a few minutes, I consulted my herbal book, and some sites on the internet, while watching large blisters form on my arm. The neat thing was that James had just read the other day about how mustard works on burns. So at this point, not having anything on hand, like plantain or aloe, I was willing to try. So I slathered it all on, and it was only a couple of min. before there was no pain at all! I had to reapply every 30 min. or so when the pain came back. It removed all blisters, and by this morning, only slightly red in the worst places. I am very much a believer in mustard now, and will use it on all the kids' sunburns. Since I didn't want mustard all over my bed, I soaked a rag in vinegar(which is what I think did the trick in the mustard)wrapped it around and tied it on. There was no pain or sensitivity and I slept well all night! Try it for yourselves, you'll be totally amazed! Another strange remedy I came across, (in case you don't have any mustard) was urine ("preferably your own", it said) HA! James did offer!


You know it's love when your husband is willing to urinate on your arm, if it'll help.

Because you seem to have forgotten this, mustard is for eating.

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