Matthews Family Herald

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" from Joshua 24:15

Micah is depicted here holding one of his "creations." He loves designing stuff with these.

Micah is, as we speak, trying out for the lead role in a play sponsored by the military public schools and based off of the book "Robinson Crusoe." Normally, we don't do much with the public school system but since this book is primarily from a Godly perspective and with a Godly intent, we decided to take this opportunity for Micah to develop his talent and interact with others. (And to encourage the school system to be more open to Godly things.) Hopefully, the school won't pollute the story by editing out it's most important elements.

Anyhow, Micah was rehearsing and trying to get ready but the hour was getting pretty late. Instead of staying up way past the time he should be sleeping, he felt like God told him not to worry and to go on to bed. Sure enough, a friend who is also going called this morning to tell us that Micah would not need to have something memorized after all but that the judges would hand him something and want him to do it, impromptu. So, Micah is ready both inside and out.

Regardless of what part he gets, we will be proud of him and ask for your prayers and encouragement for him. Should he get a part in the play, they will rehearse twice a day and then perform this Saturday.


This is Dad here. Micah got the part! This is a comedy loosely based on the book.

Congrats on the part. I really loved that story as a kid, and rethinking it as a comedy could be fun.

He's really excited about it and I think this is a great chance for him to grow and develop his comedy talent and I also like it because he's part of a group that is counting on him to memorize his parts and be a team member.

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