Matthews Family Herald

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" from Joshua 24:15

Daniel son, Micah son competed in a great martial arts competition; yeah.  Ah, he did so very good, yes. 

Seriously, Micah's dedication and hard work in martial arts training has only intensified.  He most recently has graduated from being a Green belt to being a Blue belt.  His ambition as of now is to make Black belt before the end of the year.  Here are some pictures from his first competition.  He brought home third place medals in both the Forms category and in the Point Fighting category.  Great work, old Micah son!

He was focused, eager and ready as he waited there in those last four photos.  It was an interesting competition in that both Germans and Americans were competing against one another, and as part of the same teams in some cases.  There was even a German/American team from a Christian church there.  How cool is that?

All of the boys came with us.  Nathan found a friend and enjoyed playing with actions figures together with him.

Leon came too and competed.  He also won a medal in the course of his competing.

The event was held in a gym and all of the younger kids found these ropes normally used for climbing to the top and back.  All the kids there constantly swung on them and had such a great time. 

This man was wearing a shirt that said "Fighting Solves Everything" and so I attempted to get a good picture of his shirt. For someone wanting to stand and fight, it sure seemed hard for him to hold still long enough.  I don't agree with the message, but it was unique anyway!

In Germany, many things have a strange sound or spelling.  This sign was wishing us Good Travels, basically, as we left the gas station where we had stopped for a moment.  However, it seems to commend the viewer for doing something ELSE done really well.  Serways was the brand name or store name.  Speaking of interesting differences in Germany, the word "Mist" means crud.  So, if you are drinking "Sierra Mist" you are drinking "Sierra Crud."


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