Matthews Family Herald

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" from Joshua 24:15

Here's a picture of Asparagas, next to it's cousin, Spargal.

I'm always excited about the new things my wife learns about healthy living and eating. Recently, there was a great deal on a steam cooker that I knew Heather wanted and so I picked it up for her. The first and amazing dish she made in it was some steamed Spargel. Germans love Spargel and it's a cultural comfort and family memory food for them, I believe. I'm not sure how it's made, but it's Asparagas which is likely grown in the dark. I have no idea, but it's white instead of green. There's my lovely wife showing off the dish in her steamer.

Here's my delicious plate of food that I just HAD to share a photo of with you.


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