Matthews Family Herald

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" from Joshua 24:15

We've been getting heavy snow here in the Neckargamund/Heidelberg general area (heavy to us, anyway) and so the kids have been having some great fun. I have to admit that it's very pleasant and calming to look out and see a blanket of white over everything. The air becomes so clean, crisp, and cool in my lungs; very refreshing! And so quiet outside. Quieter inside as the kids are out out playing in it! :) There's a lot to be said for quietness. Yes, I intended the pun that time. Seriously, this home has a peaceful quietness I can only recall experiencing out at Nonny and Pawpaw's and then at one other place we visited once off in the country years ago. And there's this old, wind up clock that's so nice to have as background noise when Heather and I sit on the couch, soaking up the silence and having tea.

Our wonderful Grandparents/Landlords came to visit recently and they provided me with some pictures from their visit that I'd like to share. Micah and the kids are quite amusing characters at times and they put together this jolly rendition of Mr. Snowman.


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