Matthews Family Herald

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" from Joshua 24:15

Been studying Ecclesiastes about sowing here and there and not being discouraged by appearances. Something about "he who watches the wind and the clouds will not reap a harvest." The more I look at it, the more I think God is saying that he who watches the circumstances in order to make their decisions will not have the courage or faith to plant seeds or do that thing that God says to do. They will have one fear or reason after another to not take an action. But if we'll just do what God says and not look at it with our own eyes or thoughts but trust in Him, he'll make the harvest grow. I'm not talking about money although it could be money. It's more like obedience and trust in doing His will and believing His truth in a situation.

For example, a person could decide not to share their faith at work because everyone seems un-interested in God and so they tell themselves it's pointless. The ground is dry. But an attitude of faith would go ahead and talk about Jesus because God said to and believing therefore that a harvest will come. Noah built the ark when everyone laughed and the sky was clear because he understood this very idea. In the movie "Faith Like Potatoes" the guy planted potatoes in a drought season because he understood this concept and believed God. He couldn't see the potatoes growing but he staked all he had on the belief that under the ground, during the drought, that they were growing. The movie was a true story and potatoes were there for harvest time.

This could apply to marriage as well. Loving and giving and serving when it seems your spouse could care less or that the hope for affections returned is pointless. This could be towards a parent or towards a child or anything. God's truth is better and more real than what we see with our eyes. If He says so, and that's a big point, if he says so then it will and can be so.

Here's something I think the Lord gave me to say and strengthen faith in Him:

"Something is there that isn't there. Yes. Something is there that isn't there! So stand on it because something IS there."


I know this isn't related to the post (which was quite good by the way), but I was just wondering if you could post a few new pictures of Nathan sometime soon? Everyday (several times a day, especially whenever I am near the computer) Elisha asks to see the "Nasan pitures." She is always telling us how she misses Nathan and wants to see him. She frequently pretends to call "James and Hedder" as well and talks about the other kids. So, just a little note to say we miss you! Love and blessings,
The Harrod Family (Wife speaking)

Hi and yes we will! This is so sweet! We miss you all too. We are thinking of calling soon with Skype and letting Elisha and Nathan talk for a minute. Once we find out webcam we could do that as well.

That sounds awesome! I know we would all enjoy it. We have a webcam and already have skype on the laptop. We have been thinking of trying to set up a skype date as well. What is the time difference from us to you?

8 to 9 hours and so around lunchtime for you all would work really well.

Lub from us,

Good to know. THanks a bunch!

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