Matthews Family Herald

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" from Joshua 24:15

Well, I voted today! Yep, it may seem odd that I'd vote considering how I often feel about the way of things but it's not a contradiction after all. I have no intention of letting the devil render me ineffective in the world around me by convincing me that it's all going to crud anyway and why bother. Our leaders AFFECT our lives. Yes. From the moment they take the reins of whatever office God has entrusted to them, they make decisions which affect the lives of everyone under their authority. Those leaders need our prayers. They need our encouragement. They need our chastisement too! They need us. And so, our vote may well determine who it is that takes the reign. I think if we don't care to get involved, then God may give us the fruit of our apathy and allow people who will hurt us to take control. You've heard maybe that it's all corrupt and your vote won't matter. Don't believe it. It's likely another lie to render you ineffective. Those with authority to act are authorized to act. We are blessed with individual authority excerised by our vote so use YOUR authority from God. If your vote is lost through corruption, you will not bear the guilt of that affect; the one who corrupted the process will.

I also agreed to commit financial resources to causes I believe are important in the Kingdom of God through the Combined Federal Campaign. I've chosen:

-The Voice of the Martyrs

-Cadence, International

-The American Center for Law and Justice

-Homeschool Legal Defense Association

-American Family Association

Additionally, our family supports the "Gospel for Asia" ministry and a local missionary family living near us.

The Kingdom of God is advanced by our prayers, by our support, by our actions, by our words, by our lives. I think a large part of God's accomplishment of His will is through His empowerment to get us to act and to stand in the gap by defending what is right and spreading the gospel to all Nations.


Thanks for the post! We've not voted yet here.

That list of causes you support is great! I've been trying to figure out what to do since I've been making money, and I've been a bit confused as exactly who to support. My dad wasn't entirely sure what to tell me, but said that he gives to various causes. His list actually was about the same as yours, but missing Cadence, International.

I actually wanted to give to orphanages but most of them don't run in the way we believe they should, e.g. they should focus on placing the children in Godly, Christian homes. There's a similar problem with many "Support a Child" programs.

I can, at least right now, give to support some different causes. But I'm about to have a LOT to support with. At least, for me. So I'm trying to plan what I'm going to do with it.

Hi Brian, I enjoyed reading your comments.

About orphanages, I wanted to tell you that Gospel for Asia also has orphan care called "Bridge of Hope"

I think we particpated in something like this once also through a ministry called "World Vision."

I also want to help care for orphans and I want to do so in a way that does not prepare them for assimilation into the New World Order. Whatever is done for them I want the end goal to be producing a person radically on fire for Jesus Christ and dedicated to expanding His Kingdom through preaching, teaching, and ministry and service to God.

I really love this post because it is so easy for Christians to perpetuate the curse with their comparing and " This world is going to hell in a handbasket" mentality, which in reality, the end result will be the opposite. What we see with our eyes happeninng is part of the process- and we should not despair of it and become inactive ( hiding away in some hole for the end times); no , rather it should motivate us to do His work more, and pray His kingdom come on this earth as in Heaven, for the time is short!

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