Matthews Family Herald

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" from Joshua 24:15

In looking at home fellowships here in Virginia, I came across a group's doctrine saying they believed the age of gifts and miracles has ended but that "We do acknowledge and rejoice that God still chooses to perform miracles on occasions when it suits His purposes." Are they right? I haven't heard of any seas parting recently. Even so, I believe their statement to be way off because God has actually increased His miracles here among us.

To illustrate this, I recall hearing it said that following Jesus is easier today than it was to follow God in the Old Testament days. I disagree. Jesus actually raised the standards. Before, you could not sleep with someone other than your husband or wife, for example. Now, you can't even look at someone else lustfully. Before, you could not murder someone. Now, you can't even hate them in your heart or you are already guilty of murder.

In the old days, the Prophets received the spirit of the Lord and were used to anoint others occasionally. God usually touched or led one person and then that person directed everyone else. But today, He has poured out His spirit on all of us. Any of us can hear, and feel, and know the Lord for ourselves. In the old days, God performed fantastical miracles using a few people. But today, His works among us are like the sands of the seas, the stars of the sky, or like the hairs on our heads; All over the place, at all moments of time, and beyond number.

Can't seem to detect an outpouring of God's spirit and miracles in our days? It may be because your either somewhere out in the desert, couped up and sheltered indoors, or you may need to close up the umbrella you're carrying over your head.


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