Matthews Family Herald

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" from Joshua 24:15

Oh well.  Just me in a Japanese robe and slippers after all.  We would have loved to go to Japan to see our family, but I guess Japan came to us instead via Rachel and company. 

My wife quickly took the bench cover off and made this amazingly special tea time, Japanese style.  We all loved using the tea set and chop sticks.  That's about as close to sitting on my feet as I could get. . .

One of the new princes of Japan looking so wise.

Not a bad cuppa.

The girls loved their fans 

And their outfits too


Don't mess with Jacob-Dan-iel son

A fan club member now

Defender of the Island

Hmmm.  Confusius say man who goes to bed with itchy bottom will likely wake with stinky fingers.

Here's a glimpse of the chess set.

You know about these, Grasshopper.

Chopsticks are too much fun

The chess set case.  Thank you, Rachel and Family


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