Matthews Family Herald

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" from Joshua 24:15

Here's the latest sewing creation that Hannah has come up with. She made all of it herself. She can make just about anything with sewing, etc. Purses, dresses. She even makes doll clothes out of wet wipes!

These are the most recent spray-paint creations that Micah has made. They are his most awesome works yet! Aren't they cool! It's amazing what he can do with spray paint. He has a website up where he displays his work now and I'd encourage you to visit it and become a follower.

These are recent crafts that Heather and the kids have made at the Co-Op part of our homeschool project.

Micah and I eat at certain diner many mornings. While there, I saw this poster and had Micah take a picture of it. Now THAT is an America, or a part of an America, that we could be proud to be a part of...

I love catching Heather and the kids reading together. Isn't it awesome.

Here's a project that Nathan made. Cool stuff.

Mary here looks so cute. These shoes were given to us by our landlords and aren't they so cozy and warm!

Here's Micah in his nerd costume. He wore this on the train and bus system that he and I travel on. We had a real hoot with this. People just stared and gawked. They'd burst into laughter once out of eye and ear shot of him. But I would be a few paces away trying to take video of it. We had some good times!


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