Matthews Family Herald

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" from Joshua 24:15

Our family, as Christmas time approaches, we are making some of our own ornaments for the tree. This has been great fun and a good bonding experience to share. Here's the fruit of some of our labors. This was Heather's idea and initiative, but I can remember doing this growing up as well. We're also stringing our own popcorn to put on the tree which I've yet to acquire. The van is in the shop but once it's repaired, we'll be moving forward with that.

Jacob came up with the idea of using the camera to make it look like the kids were flying. The first photo is someone else capturing him in motion, but the rest are what he came up with. Looks pretty realistic, huh? Lots of fun! It's a kids dream especially to fly!

Taking a break from flying momentarily here. Isn't Mary heavenly?! Absolutely beautiful picture here!

Nathan uses the force here to float over the mattress.

Not only are the flying photos interesting, they just make me laugh. They are fun. Don't you think?

Nathan came up the stairs dressed this way, as a pirate. If you look close, you can see he has a hook for his right hand. You can see his cape and his eye patch too. Does't he look a lot like Chief Sittin' Bull?

Nathan helped his Mom cook and here he is after a long day of cooking and working. Whew.

Hannah here having great fun making grill cheese "samiches" as I like to say.

Our home fellowship also has a Co-Op which I mentioned in an earlier post. Well, this Co-Op had an "end of year" Early Christians of Rome theme gathering where the kids showed off their work, competed in games, gave presentations, and everyone made food to bring representative of that time in Rome. The best part was we began with a Catacomb Communion. The hosting family has a cellar in their home, the entrance of which has an old wooden door and inside looks like a stone build dungeon. There were candles lit and we all arrived wearing Togas. It really helped us connect with our history imagining those first Christians, when it was illegal to be a Christian in Rome, having to live in the Catacombs because God was most important and this was what was required. But yes, below is (far left photo) some of the food Heather and the kids made. Wasn't it wonderful? Yes. Someone else brought fresh figs. Something I'd never had. Not dehydrated or preserved, they were extremely juicy and delicious.


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