Matthews Family Herald

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" from Joshua 24:15

The Greatest Force on Earth/Die größte Kraft auf der Erde

I've been listening to an audio book co-authored by world famous singer, Stephen Curtis Chapman and by Scotty Smith, Stephen's pastor. It's called "Restoring Broken Things" It's theme is that the expansion of God's Kingdom is summarized in the title of the book. Each time any of us makes a move to restore something from brokenness and back to wholeness, we are expanding His Kingdom. I couldn't help comparing this with current military events and to the justice system. To illustrate it in a personal way, I would rather have restoration than justice if someone hurts me. Rather than punished, I just want that person to choose differently, to apologize and make amends, and to restore the relationship. That's what God wants from us, right? Otherwise, He wouldn't have sent His son. He chose restoration over what we deserved. But would it work in the justice system? It's a hard call but it's why the death penalty makes me uneasy. Why? One person is worth however much it costs to give them the chance to eventually be reached, to come to terms with what they have done, to be restored unto Jesus, and to perhaps made an impact in the world before they die of natural causes. How? By perhaps writing a book or answering newspaper interviews, or who knows. I know this, love, God's love is the MOST powerful force in heaven and on Earth. No revenge, no wrath, no evil, no darkness can ever defeat God's love and those who choose it over retaliation. Certainly, if it's called for, it's not our place. "Vengence is mine, says the Lord, I will repay." Choosing it,expressing God's love, I mean, means a greater personal sacrifice, it means needing more patience, and it might mean watching what looks like things going the wrong direction and losing for awhile. But in the end, absolutely NO force can overcome and be victorious over God's love.
-James D of Germany

Ich höre auf eine Audio-Buch mit dem Co-Autor von weltweit berühmten Sängerin, Stephen Curtis Chapman und Scotty Smith, Stephen's Pfarrer. Es heißt "Wiederherstellung der Gebrochenheit" Das Thema ist, dass die Expansion des Reiches Gottes zusammengefasst im Titel des Buches ist. Jedes Mal, wenn einer von uns macht einen Schritt, um etwas aus Gebrochenheit wiederherzustellen und wieder zurück nach Ganzheit, erweitern wir sein Reich. Ich konnte nicht umhin, einen Vergleich dieser mit den derzeitigen militärischen Ereignisse und der Justiz. Um es auf eine persönliche Art zu illustrieren, möchte ich lieber als die Wiederherstellung des Rechts, wenn mir jemand weh tut. Anstatt bestraft, ich will nur diese Person anders zu wählen, um sich zu entschuldigen und sich bessern, und die Beziehung wieder herzustellen. Das ist, was Gott von uns will, nicht wahr? Andernfalls würde er seinen Sohn nicht gesendet haben. Er entschied sich für die Wiederherstellung über das, was wir verdient haben. Aber wäre es Arbeit in der Justiz? It's a hard nennen, aber es ist, warum die Todesstrafe mich unruhig macht. Warum? Eine Person wert ist jedoch viel es kostet, um ihnen die Chance, letztlich erreicht werden, um die Bedingungen mit dem, was sie getan haben, kommen, wieder hergestellt werden zu Jesus, und vielleicht hat diese Auswirkungen in der Welt, bevor sie eines natürlichen Todes sterben. Wie? Mit vielleicht ein Buch zu schreiben oder beantworten Zeitung Interviews, oder wer weiß. Ich weiß das, Liebe, die Liebe Gottes ist die stärkste Macht im Himmel und auf Erden. Keine Rache, kein Zorn, kein Böse, keine Finsternis kann je Niederlage Gottes Liebe und diejenigen, die es vorziehen Vergeltung. Sicherlich, wenn es gefordert, es ist nicht unser Platz. "Die Rache ist mein, spricht der HERR, ich will vergelten." Die Auswahl ist, Ausdruck der Liebe Gottes, ich meine, bedeutet eine größere persönliche Opfer, bedeutet dies, brauchen mehr Geduld, und es könnte bedeuten, beobachten, was aussieht wie die Dinge die falsche Richtung zu verlieren und für eine Weile. Aber am Ende, absolut keine Kraft überwinden kann und über die Liebe Gottes siegreich. -Jakobus D. Deutschland


I agree with you %100! I was thinking of the Law of Reaping & Sowing last night. I think for most of us, our natural tendency is to want our offenders to hurt/pay for what they have done. We think, "What goes around, comes around." This is not necessarily true, because we don't always have the same bad things happen to us that we have a had a hand in towards someone else. Everyone will have to pay consequences for their actions, otherwise known as reaping and sowing. (I think.) We need to remember our attitude in every situation, especially in trials. As victims, we could celebrate in the defeat of our 'enemies', but what kind of attitude is that, you know? Even that relishing in the ill fate of even our enemies will catch up with us eventually. Trials are huge to increasing faith, so our attitude would simply mess up our growth that would help us get through the next trial.

I think so also. Sometimes it seems like we are forgiven and no consequences come. Other times, we are forgiven but still have to deal with the affects, at least to some degree, of our actions. I think genuine repentance goes a long way and really feel sad for persons who refuse to repent or apologize to the Lord as it concerns judgement day.

You talked about trials, yeah, we say that a lot lately in our home. Adversity shows us where our hearts really are.

I agree too about relishing in the enemy's suffering. I believe we are wrong to celebrate when someone hurts. Even if they deserved it. Concequences are deserved but I think we should ultimately long for right heartedness for all people.

Awesome stuff and thank you for commenting.

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