Matthews Family Herald

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" from Joshua 24:15

Yes, we had a great time out in Missouri and learned so much.  However, we are in East Texas now and getting back to more of a normal life.  Closer to family.  We still hope to live in the country, but with all the normalities of modern life such as electricity, plumbing, more space, etc.  We plan to keep you updated as we go along.  I turned in the U-Haul yesterday.  I picked up a new set of hub caps for the van and a mirror to replace the one knocked off on the driver's side.  Micah and I look forward to replacing that.

Tomorrow we intend to check out a rent house out in the country.  Monday I have an interview with a major grocery store chain here where one of my family members is a long time employee.  Long term I hope to enroll with UT perhaps and work towards a business degree.  Heather will continue her herbal business ambitions and increase her knowledge base.  Micah is working on getting his job and driver's license, etc.  We plan to link up with the area homeschool group and also go to our family's local church this Sunday.

It's good to be back in Texas where it's warm.


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