Matthews Family Herald

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" from Joshua 24:15


Thought you might like an update. After a million-and-one things to get done, it seemed like we'd never get out of Fort Huachuca. After analyzing all the details and circumstances, and after prayerful consideration, I made a "command decision" to push on San Diego instead of stop halfway there and get a hotel room. So, we finally set sail at about 5pm and made it to Miramar (Marine Corps Air Base) at about 3am. We slept well and the hotel here is amazing; the best military lodging we've ever seen. We are heading out to meet some family friends for a day at the beach and an evening of hot dogs, hamburgers and smores. Tomorrow, we'll plan to turn our van in for shipment to Germany and then take the rental van to Sea World and the zoo here. Shipping out, God willing, on Wed. afternoon to Germany.

Take care and planning to update again soon.

James and family


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